Frame description

Words in the Relaxing and Resting frame describe situations in which the Relaxer (or a specific Body_part of the Relaxer) recovers from an Impairment or an earlier Activity to regain their previous strength and condition. A Stimulus may cause the Relaxer to unwind and recover.


1. Die Sportler erholten sich von den Verletzungen.   1. The athletes recovered from the injuries. 
2. Sascha relaxt nach der Arbeit mit einem Buch und einem Glas Wein.   2. Sascha relaxes after work with a book and a glass of wine.  
3. Leichtes Hüpfen entspannt die Muskeln.3. Jumping lightly relaxes the muscles.

Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The Relaxer is a person or entity that relaxes.


The Body_part is the body part or area of the body of a Relaxer that relaxes, releases tension.


The FE Activity describes the activity from which the Relaxer recovers.


The Impairment refers to an impairing event, situation or state from which the Relaxer recovers.


The Stimulus is what causes the Relaxer to relax and/or recover.